Saturday, 30 March 2013

Hugo's diary: The best toys

Hugo loves playing in our kitchen, the room is fairly small but full of interesting stuff for him to explore and you can guess where he loves to hide. Spoons, pans, cups they are the best toys he can find...

The play time is about to begin...

...hmmmm tasty...

Hugo does NOT share food!!!

Need to clear all the space in here...
... that is better, I can fit in!!!
Feeling very proud of myself
Yeah, that is me with my new hat on :)


  1. Great images, lovely boy

  2. Haha, my kids used to do that. Taky mám fotku, kde můj syn všechno vyndal ze skříňky v kuchyni, to jsou nejlepší hračky :-) Přeju hodně úspěchů!
