Thursday 2 May 2013

Challenge: Shooting through glass

This month's Clickin Moms challenge was Shooting through glass. This is not new to me since I have done so many times before and I was looking forward to this. Now I stop writing and will talk to you trough my images :)

    Who is shooting whom?


Too much rain on holiday

Unexpected visitor 


Now head over to Maggie to see what she has been up to. :)


  1. Hilarious and awesome images. What a great window ledge for photos! I'm terrified of clowns, but so enjoyed all the other images:)

  2. These were great! Loved all the fresh perspectives on this theme!

  3. I love your shots, especially the baby on the sill and the baby looking at the clown - fantastic views of the world.

  4. I love love love the clown pictures!!! OH MY! nice variety of images! thank you for sharing =)

  5. Beautiful photos! The one of the clown and the baby is so cool! Although I would be terrified! Awesome!

  6. I love the picture of the little girl with mom. Such a great capture!
