Monday 14 January 2013

My favourite photos 2012

Looking back at year 2012 I must admit that it was more eventful year than expected.

In February I joined British national photographic society The Guild of Photographers, I qualified as their member, which mean that my work is of professional standard and each month I sent image to their monthly competition.Receiving a bar after bar means a lot to me because I love learning and experimenting, to me getting an award is like passing a difficult exam!

I photographed in different locations in England, Wales, Scotland, Slovakia and Bulgaria, met people from different cultures including Bulgarian, Polish, Italian, Hungarian, Chinese, English and Slovak, captured stories showing relationship, friendship, commitment, happiness, emotions and those ever changing tiny baby features. I am very glad that I could be the one who froze the time and made ethereal image of these memories.

Also my son celebrated his first birthday, started to walk (I was amazed to see how he fell and stood up again and tried even harder and after each unsteady step clapped his hands in excitement), his first word wasn't mama but 'car' and by watching him I learned that I cannot give up after first failed attempt and should not be afraid to be different.

My big thank you goes to all involved!

Please watch this slideshow on full screen so you can look back at 2012 together with me. :)

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