Friday 28 December 2012

In Bulgaria

This Christmas we spent on winter holiday in Bulgaria. All was fine until I realised that the hotel did not offer satisfying range of famous Bulgarian cakes ( me loving cakes so much you can probably imagine the disappointment)  we were willing to travel 10km to nearby town to find some.
 There in Bulgarian town called Samokov we met this lovely mum with her son Aleks.  Evelina owns beautiful restaurant which is very family friendly. Not speaking much English, she took my son into her arms and showed me to follow her. Downstairs we discovered children’s play area and you can imagine my son’s reaction when we left.  Being served those delicious cakes I was so impressed that this time I took Evelina with Aleks outside to photographed them. It was quite interesting not speaking the same language, but smile, hands and legs always work.   Here are some of the photos which have been sent to these lovely people.
And no, I don’t have any photos of the cake.  I was too busy eating it. :))

I love this dreamy look, wonder what does think about
Never ending love...
ZuHuda Photography
Smile given to a stranger photographer is a priceless gift

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