Monday 23 March 2015

Hugo's photo in the Practical Photography

When I got an email that a photo of my little boy will be published in Practical Photography magazine, I was over the moon not only as a proud mom but a photographer too.

The feedback I got about the photograph of my son is great. It is a fantastic feeling to know your work is appreciated not only by your family, clients but also other professionals.

I love things simple and natural and this published photo is an example.

Whenever I photograph my son or clients I chose the location, clothing and ask my subjects something to do ready to capture the outcome or just make them laugh or think about something to get the expression. But many times I just sit there quietly and observe letting the subject create the photograph. Even though I have rough ideas ready before each session, I am always prepared to change my plans to be guided by my subject and this is how this photo was created.

Location, light and the subject inspire me and when mum comes to me saying, ' I trust you, do whatever you want' that is the time when my mind is free and most creative and photograph the children as if they were my own.

Monday 16 March 2015

Three little kittens and Hector

Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas these are the 3 cute kittens I had an honour to photograph. They were super cute, friendly, curious and playful. All I could wish for and when Hector the tortoise showed up, I could just jump for joy! All of them played their part as if wanting to look their best for a magazine photo cover. Well, you never know, maybe one day...

Sunday 1 March 2015

Frank The Tank

I absolutely LOVE this English Bulldog puppy. Frank is so adorable I would just stay there all day or better, took him home with me! I was going to take pics of the pup but when I saw Isla in her cute dress and coat, I had to have her in the pics too with her new friend. It will be amazing to see them together in one year time, how much they grown and change.

A well worn quote "Don't work with children or animals" is soooooooooooo not true!!!! That is exactly what I love doing!

I don't think I need to tell you anymore just see for yourself.

To keep in touch and see more you can visit my facebook page:

Thursday 19 February 2015

Inspirational homes: Tempo Manor, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland

 I am not an architecture photographer but I love homes with character. I love rooms with high ceiling, large windows, old doors... All these elements spark ideas in my head and the photograph is born.

Recently we stayed in a beautiful Victorian Manor House build in 1863 by ancestors of the present family. This charming home is surrounded by 300 acres of beautiful grounds and woodlands, landscaped gardens and wonderful natural lakes.

Although it is privately owned and buzzing with family life it is also used as a venue for private parties, wedding receptions, corporate events and other occasions and is absolutely picture perfect for wedding photographs.

John, Sarah, Tyron, Phoebe, Isabella THANK YOU for sharing your home with us, we can't wait to see you again soon!

To learn more about this wonderful place visit


Do you  own a special property you would like me to photograph in? Get in touch.


Sunday 28 December 2014

Snow overshare :)

We love snow! When we saw the snow falling in the evening, we run out to enjoy it as we knew that it might be gone in the morning. In the morning the first thing I did was look out the window to see, if it is still there. And there it was as if waiting for us to get out and have some more fun, so we had.

Evening snow fall

Our little helper...

Not expected bump...

After dad's jumpy ride, Lola was making sure he is ok :)

Up the hill we go...

Don't they just pull the same face?!

Adventurous ride with daddy

Somebody being a brave big boy :)

Yes, I am in the pictures too (at last)

Snow balls? yes, please...

Jumping high

Puppy fun (6 months old)

Stoke on Trent under blanket of snow